“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
– C.S. Lewis

flag and sunriseFor as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to see the WHOLE country.  We moved a lot when I was a kid, and I was never happier than when we were in our old blue Chevrolet pickup, overnighting at motels just off the highway and stopping every now and again at a Stuckey’s for a bathroom break and a few minutes of ogling the touristy tchotchkes that lined the shelves.  I was always sad to leave my friends behind, but I always knew that new adventures were just down the next mile. 

I’ve never lost my childlike enthusiasm for travel of any kind.  Today was a gift in so many ways because 1) I learned some new things, 2) I spent time with people I love, and 3) I got to see more evidence of how vast our country is while, at the same time, how we are all so very much alike. 

We started the day at the Little Bighorn Battlefield and National Cemetery.  Other than knowing that Little Bighorn was the site of a big skirmish in our history, I didn’t know much more about the facts of the event.  I’ll skip to the end for you:  the Native Americans won that battle.  They were fighting for their very existence and a way of life slowly and forcibly being taken from them.  It was a somber memorial to the men of all colors and nations who died there and a reminder of how the pursuit of money at all costs inevitably leads to tragedy.  It was a worthwhile stop on our journey and one none of us will soon forget.

The memorial to the Native Americans of the Little Bighorn battle

Kelly drives the truck and camper!

The Husband then….wait for it…HANDED OVER THE KEYS.  We’ve had an ongoing debate about how I am FULLY capable of driving the truck and trailer combo.  i just need a little practice.  And a little time behind the wheel.  Today, I got it!  I was thrilled and, after a few jitters when a semi roared past, I settled in behind the wheel and put some miles behind us.  I’m pretty sure I’m a natural.

 Montana is a BIG state.   There is a lot of hay, a lot of prairie, a lot of sagebrush, a lot of cattle, and not a lot of people.  It may be the very perfect state for The Husband. I was glad to finally get to the relative metropolis of Great Falls.  After several days in the car traversing North Dakota and Montana, just seeing a bit of traffic was a welcome reminder that we weren’t the last four people on the planet.

Sip and Dip Lounge


Today, we got to see Josh!  Thing 1, who lives alllll the way across the country in the great state of Montana, met us at our campsite to join us for a dinner at Clark and Lewie’s (yes, that’s the right name) and for a drink at the infamous Sip and Dip Lounge.  There are mermaids there.  Real ones.  I saw them.  I have photographic evidence.

Thing 1 in the flesh!

I was thrilled to see my eldest son.  And I think he might have been a little glad to see us, too.  No matter, he shall join us for more adventures this week.  And Regina comes tomorrow!  Our band of adventurers will soon be complete for the next leg of our journey!  So. Many. More. Adventures.

Categories: She Says


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