Medora NDWe’ve now logged 2,095 miles on the road since Thursday night.  We’ve passed through Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota, and are now resting at the KOA in Hardin, Montana. 

Sights along the way yesterday included:

  • Reportedly the world’s largest Holstein, Salem Sue.  She overlooks Interstate 94 in Salem, North Dakota.Salem Sue
  • A flying geese sculpture.  If you were to take the Enchanted Highway, you would be surrounded the entire way by stakes of flying geese unti you get to the big sculpture.flying geeze sculpture

Yesterday, we overnighted in a campground next to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Medora, ND.  There wasn’t much to the campground itself, however, we decided to take advantage of the Steak Fondue Buffet sponsored by the Theodore Roosevelt Foundation.  For a mere $33.95 per person, we were able to join about 1,000 other folks for a delicious steak essentially fried in hot oil by cowboy cooks.  Oh, yes.  We’ll take it.  We did note that the average age of the crowd was about 70 or 80, but we’re pretty sure our Adventure Teams are all attracted to more “mature” interests like cowboy suppers, museums, and national parks anyway.  Our fondest wish is to hit the National Park Pass lifetime age of 62.  Well, we’d also like to fly with the Blue Angels.  So maybe there’s still hope for us yet.

We opted not to partake in the certain-to-be-hokey Medora Bonanza Show post-dinner, but I saw a dead ringer for Teddy Roosevelt walking toward the stage.  Maybe our blue-hair choice to NOT join the tour-bus crowd for the HeeHaw show and instead hit an early bedtime was not the correct one?  We’ll never know because we chose door number 2: the bed.  After more than 10 hours on the road and a delicious cowboy dinner complete with doughnuts and coffee, it was probably the right choice.

Moon in Medora, ND

Moon over Medora by The Husband

This morning, we rose at the comparatively leisurely hour of 6 am MDT and had breakfast before heading over to Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  We love some Teddy at my house. 

Teddy’s cabin

We briefly toured the visitor center and saw Teddy’s cabin before heading to PRAIRIE DOG TOWN.  There are several spots in the park where those cute little critters are free to burrow and chirp away at pesky visitors trying to get phone camera zoom lenses to work well enough to capture their sass and verve.

Prairie Dog!

We had to get some miles in, though, so we cut our visit short and headed out of town.  We crossed into Big Sky Country around 11 am this morning and were once again enthralled by the space and beauty of this country.  There were hay bales at several sections as far as the eye can see. 

Tonight, we’re getting some much-needed rest and real camping time in at the KOA in Hardin, MT.   Siesta Adventure Team member Matt proposed a sunset photo contest.   We did.  I was hoping to take more pictures, but the sun dropped below the horizon FAR quicker than I expected.  My effort is below.  I claimed to win, but Vicki didn’t post her picture until much later…she probably won in the end.  No matter…photo contests will now be a thing on this trip.  I’m ready.

Tomorrow, we head to Great Falls.  And we get to see Thing 1…who is the real reason we started on this Great Adventure in the first place.  #HappyMama

Categories: She Says


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